Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stranger and Stranger

I’ve got my ticket to New York. Paid for by my first money order from AP’s ‘people’. I leave from Kallarackel Airport at 3pm on Friday and arrive at La Guardia at 6pm Saturday (New York time). The actual journey will be 38 hours with time differences and all that. It’s made worse by the fact I have to fly via Reykjavik; God knows why. Even the travel agent said he’d never heard of anyone flying via Reykjavik. Anyway, it’s all booked and I’ve started to pack.

Jemima keeps saying that it will be difficult to go. Or rather to stay away. She says I’m a person who belongs in Picar, even though I’ve only been here a short time. There’s something about this place, some force that lets you leave but soon makes you come back. And then she went on about a cave and vampire tides and K3 coming for me. Strange!

Talking about strange, I went with her to see Leo yesterday. It felt weird right from the start. Jemima packed a bag for him. It held, and this is the honest truth, an Adidas shoe (size 10), a miniature trunk, a story about a couch arguing with a rug and something she called a mollydoll. She added a pot of jello (you can never have too much jello she’s always telling me) and a Kallarackel cake.

As we left the Golden Chain, there was a man in front. “That’s Charles,” she said and, handing the bag to me, she ran after him. But she didn’t catch up with him. “Totally disappeared,” she told me, adding, “That was Horace’s brother.” It took quite a while to get to the hospital, it’s hidden out in the countryside somewhere quite far from here. It seems to be some sort of mental institution, very forbidding outside but friendlier inside, apart from the locked doors. And the nurses! Not like any nurse I’ve ever seen before! A bit too friendly with the patients if you ask me. Actually saw one on a patient’s bed, lying next to him. They wouldn’t put up with in Manchester, I can tell you.

Anyway, they talked for ages. Very intense it seemed. I couldn’t catch most of it, I was in the corner out of the way, but the odd word came to me. I caught K3 (again!), Cochrech and Tristan. They talked about Lucy too. And then we came back here. Not sure why I was there really.

When I came in I checked my emails. There was a sweet one from Jez, saying he’s back at home sorting things out and, if I go back, maybe we could meet up for a chat and a coffee some day. But there wasn’t one from Brim which worries me. I’d emailed him asking if he wanted to come to see this Helium thing in Central Park. I hope he’s alright. He’s so vulnerable – perhaps someone’s hung him out to dry.

There was one from AP. Talking about maybe having a cookout while I’m there and about me having a serious chat with someone called Morgan. I don’t know if that’s a first or last name.

So, I’m off tomorrow to the big Apple. Wonder why they call it that? Talk to you when I’m over the jet lag and the journey.


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