Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Picnic

Went for a picnic with Jez on my day off. We walked up to the top of Isagor hill, it was very steep and we were knackered when we got there. It was a windy day but we found a sheltered spot where we could look down on the waves crashing on the shore below us. We’d made sandwiches, Marmite for Jez (he has a thing about Marmite) and ham for me. Jemima had made us two pots of jello which, unfortunately, had become a bit scrambled with the journey but they still tasted good. And of course we had Kallarackel cakes. They aren’t really a cake, more like a flapjack made from a mixture of oats, honey and cinnamon. They are deeeeeeelicious!

We did a lot of talking while we were up there. I was glad because Jez had been pretty quiet since he arrived. We both came clean about what was bugging us about our old lives and what we wanted to do for the future. We haven’t made any decisions yet but one thing’s for sure, we won’t be doing anything hasty.

I told Jez about a strange thing that happened with AP, the bloke who came for the conference. I was talking to him again on Tuesday and he gave me his card, saying, “it's not that hard to get out of debt if you're open to the right kinds of opportunities.” That was weird because I hadn’t mentioned my debts to him. I wondered if Jez had said anything because he and AP were having a right old chinwag the other day. Jez said he’d never mentioned me. They were talking about techie type things and then, suddenly, AP started talking about fires. Man’s obsessed if you ask me.

And there’s another weird thing. I helped Jemima out with cleaning the rooms and I did AP’s room. He’d left some things in there. Obviously packed in a hurry. There was a bottle filled with clear fluid which I emptied down the sink. It stunk the room out, a chemical sort of smell. Maybe it was dry cleaning fluid. Anyway, I had to open the windows because the smell was making me dizzy. Then I found a length of cord, about 2 feet of it I think. I was going to hang on to that because it could come in useful. Then I found the other stuff. In the bottom of the wardrobe there was a single shoe, bit big for AP I would have thought. And on the bedside table there was a notebook with lots of tiny writing in it. I couldn’t read most of it, but on the last page it said, “TS, PNS, GP, BSU, P68, 05.09.06.” Me and Jez kept trying to explain it. The best one we did was – the Scandinavians, playwright no sex, granny panties, black silk underwear, Paris 68.

Jez said I should call AP. Let him know what I’ve found and then maybe we could sort out sending it all off to him. And I could ask him what he meant about getting out of debt. I think I’ll do that.


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