Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A crap day!

What a crap day. First I was late for work, stuck in a traffic jam. When I got to the hospital it turned out the cause of the jam was a big traffic accident. 1 person killed, 6 seriously injured. We all pretend these things don’t affect us, but of course they do. Not only that, A & E was full of other patients complaining that they had to wait and we had to spend all day running to catch up.

After work I called in at Tesco’s to buy some food because I had no food in. I stocked the trolley up but completely forgot I don’t have credit cards anymore. I told the woman on the till I’d run out to the cash machine. She wasn’t pleased. Neither was the queue behind me. When I got to the machine it would only let me have a tenner so I’d to go back to the woman and tell her to clear it all. If looks could kill! An assistant took the trolley off me to empty it to make sure I didn’t do a runner without paying. Then I went round again and bought cheap stuff. Beans, eggs, loaf of own brand bread. Damn Ann and her big pair of scissors.

Back home I thought I’d try ringing Jez to cheer me up. He was out but his mother was in. That woman certainly can talk. She went on and on and on about nothing in particular. Not only that, I forgot to leave my number and I’m definitely not going to risk calling again. Couldn’t face going through that again.


Blogger Smooth Blue said...

Thanks for your sympathy beccy. My sister cut up my cards because I'm in a lot of debt.

5:48 PM  

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